Laura’s walktivism has been featured in Houston Chronicle Renew Houston/Health & Transformation, Houston Chronicle Renew Houston/Fitness, ABC13 news, Just Vibe Houston and in the documentary Waterfronts Reborn.
Buffalo Bayou Park Wellness Walk
Join Buffalo Bayou Partnership on a free Wellness Walk led by Laura Conely, founder of Urban Paths.
Houston Chronicle: Where you can find Houston’s best shaded walking trails
Places to walk inside the 610 Loop and you won’t need an entire tube of sunscreen, a sun hat and UV-protected sunglasses to enjoy yourself.
Urban Paths: Interview on LA Super Comadre Claudia Show
Laura Conely, of Urban Paths is interviewed on La Super CoMadre Show to talk about her passion for walking.
Urban Paths: A Conversation with Laura Conley on Open Journal
Laura Conely, of Urban Paths, talks about how to find the courage to go outside and get back in sync with nature through walking in the time of the pandemic.
Houston Chronicle “Coping with Coronavirus” Walking the Original Social Distancing Activity
Walking requires mindfulness, which helps the mind stop hyper-focusing on the negative.
Houston Chronicle Re/New Article on Where to Walk Featuring Laura Conely of Urban Paths
It’s all one foot in front of the other — literally and in life.
Houston Chronicle Re/New Feature on Urban Paths and How Laura Conely Walked off Her Depression
“You can actually decrease pain by walking,” Conely said. “What is the downside?”
ABC News Reports Laura Conely’s Urban Paths Created From Love of Walking
“I just saw that while going through rough times in my own life that walking was a healing time for me.”
Just Vibe Houston Interviews Laura Conely of Urban Paths Houston on Walking After the Devastation of Hurricane Harvey
Life can change quickly, just like the Bayou did during Hurricane Harvey. Being in nature with movement and conversation is a powerful combination that promotes healing.
Jon Dann Communications Waterfronts Reborn Documentary Featuring Urban Path’s Laura Conley
“It’s encouraging to me as an idealist to see what can become. Things don’t always get worse, sometimes things get better.”